image: The cover artistically integrates multiple elements central to investigating the developmental origins of Fragile X syndrome. A vibrant DNA double helix structure rendered in rainbow iridescent colors forms the focal point, with two laboratory mice strategically positioned along its length. This visualization is overlaid with molecular structures representing bumetanide and discrete clusters of vocal sequence data displayed through UMAP dimensional reduction. The ethereal background suggests neural networks through subtle branching patterns. This composition reflects the study's comprehensive examination of how prepartum bumetanide treatment affects both early vocal communication and later social behaviors in a mouse model of Fragile X syndrome. The dynamic interplay between genetic, molecular and behavioral elements visualized here connects to two articles in this issue: the research paper “Prepartum bumetanide treatment reverses altered neonatal social communication but non-specifically reduces post-pubertal social behavior in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome” by Y Sakamoto and colleagues and “Noboru Hiroi: Exploring the cellular and developmental origins of neuropsychiatric disorders linked to human copy-number variation,” an interview where senior author Dr. Hiroi discusses his career-long dedication to understanding neuropsychiatric disorders.
Credit: Noboru Hiroi, PhD
美国德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥,2024年12月24日讯 — 在一次全面的基因组新闻访谈中,来自圣安东尼奥德克萨斯大学健康科学中心和弘前大学的研究人员揭示了脆性X综合征(自闭症谱系障碍的主要遗传病因)社交行为发育轨迹的重要新发现。
研究高级作者Noboru Hiroi博士教授表示:"我们的发现揭示了早期社交沟通和后期社交行为之间存在着引人入胜的分离现象。虽然布美他尼能有效地使早期社交沟通正常化,但其对青春期后社交互动的影响表明,这些行为可能通过不同的机制发展,或者治疗可能对神经发育障碍的新生期和青春期后成分产生不同影响。"
• 新生幼鼠的特定发声模式可以预测其青春期后的社交行为
• 布美他尼治疗在早期和后期发育阶段的效果存在显著差异
• 早期干预可能对社交发育产生复杂的、阶段特异性的影响
关于《基因组精神病学》 —《基因组精神病学:从基因到社会的科学进展》(ISSN: 2997-2388)代表了遗传学期刊的范式转变,将基因组学和遗传学的进展与当代精神病学所有其他领域的进展相互交织。《基因组精神病学》发表从基因和分子到神经科学、临床精神病学和公共卫生等连续体内任何领域的最高质量医学研究文章。
Genomic Psychiatry
Article Title
Prepartum bumetanide treatment reverses altered neonatal social communication but nonspecifically reduces post-pubertal social behavior in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome
Article Publication Date
COI Statement
The authors have confirmed that no conflict of interest exists. The corresponding authors had full access to all the data in the study and had final responsibility for the decision to submit for publication.