NTU Assoc Prof Rainer Dumke (left) with AQSolotl CEO Patrick Bore (right), with their Chronos-Q quantum controller (in b...Nanyang Technological University
Visualization results of how the AI classify videos of splashing...Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Step-by-step process of taking fish teeth impressions...Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate University
Fish-friendly dentistry: New method makes oral research non-lethal...Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate University
Results of fish dental impressionsOkinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate University
Nano/micro-scale surface modification of metal using nanosecond laser textureing processing...National Research Council of Science & Technology
Schematic representation of a metal stent in an opened artery...National Research Council of Science & Technology
Analysis of Neovascularization on Nanosecond Laser-Textured Metal Surfaces through Fetal Mouse Metatarsal Analysis...National Research Council of Science & Technology